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Locally-made film clips will challenge behaviours and change attitudes

NO MORE is excited to announce the development of three locally-made film clips that use engaging AFL-based scenarios to challenge the attitudes and stereotypes reinforcing inequality and violence in the NT. 

View the clips:

Clip 1: Mates as active bystanders

Clip 2: Friends speak up

Clip 3: Social pressures and victim blaming

Created in collaboration with the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) the clips were launched on Monday 16 December 2019 by The Hon. Nicole Manison, Deputy Chief Minister at BCC Cinemas in Casuarina Shopping Centre.

“It has been wonderful to watch the development of these film clips and we are very excited about the potential they have to help change the attitudes, behaviours and actions of everyday people to help prevent violence against women and their children.” Said Judy Davis, Acting Director of CatholicCare NT, the parent organisation of NO MORE.

“The film clips highlight how easy it can be to change how a story ends. Just a few simple words and a belief of “NO MORE” is all it can take sometimes. And each of these small changes help lead us to bigger changes and that can only lead to a better world for all of us.

We are extremely grateful to the NAPCAN team for their tireless work on this project. As you will see in a few minutes, the result is powerful and speaks directly to young people about how they can be the change we need to see. They have done a wonderful job and it has been a pleasure working with them.

We are looking forward to using these film clips in our educational work in the NO MORE program. With the AFL flavour, they provide a solid and engaging base from which we can deliver our message. The local content, produced by Global Headquarters, is essential to  that engagement, and they have done an outstanding job.”

Early in the new year NAPCAN will create educational resources and a documentary to be used in conjunction with the film clips.  

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