Australia's leaders all link up and say NO MORE to family violence

Australia’s political leaders put aside partisan politics today and linked up to say NO MORE to family violence, showing solidarity with the community to end violence family violence.
Family violence is a community problem that requires a community-wide response, as 1 in 3 women have experienced physical violence by a current or former partner. The NO MORE Campaign welcomes today’s commitment from both sides of the Federal Government.
NO MORE Campaign Founder Charlie King OAM said this show of solidarity from our nation’s leaders highlights the need for a national response to stopping family violence and that it must be the ultimate goal of society.
“All Australians have the right to live safe and dignified lives, and we cannot continue to use culture, alcohol, victim blaming or even history as a reason for the continued attack on these fundamental human rights,” said Mr King.
“We welcome the Prime Minister and Deputy Leader’s commitment to listening to the voices of Aboriginal people and supporting the grass roots initiatives that are building community capacity to make change and end family violence.”
The NO MORE Campaign challenges the attitudes and behaviours of people who use violence by engaging with the wider community to develop plans of action to make communities safe.
“Men need to stand up and demonstrate their leadership and show a willingness to be part of the solution,” said Mr King.
“It’s encouraging to see the emergence of men’s groups that are coming forward to promote men’s responsibility of the problem and to take ownership for finding a solution.
"Men have said from the beginning, we are the problem and we are the solution.”