Bagot Community and NT Police link up

30 NT Police recruits visited Bagot Community to engage with members of the community as an extension of their cultural orientation program.
A game of basketball and BBQ, speeches by Bagot Community President Helen Fejo- Frith, other local community members and Charlie King; along with an Interactive Panel discussion and Q&A session.
The event will also provide the local Health Centre an opportunity to showcase its recent regain of AGPAL Accreditation status and a community meet and greet with a number of new Health Centre staff.
Throughout the event a major emphasis on promotion of the NO MORE Family Violence Campaign. NO MORE Campaign Founder Charlie King said, "Linking up is an important part of the NO MORE Campaign. That is why we have worked with the Bagot Community to invite Police to have, for the first time, their cultural session for their new recruits at the Community. We believe this will help build a better relationship between the Community and Police which in turn will assist in ways of preventing family violence."
Bagot Community Inc. President Mrs Helen Fejo-Frith said “This will be a constructive step for Police and Community engaging with each other based on promoting the NO MORE Family Violence message and get together for a friendly and positive encounter which can only be a positive thing.”