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Central Australian Football Club says NO MORE to domestic violence

The Central Australian Football Club is linking up with the NO MORE Campaign to develop an in-house Domestic Violence Action Plan in their effort to reduce family violence.

CAFC President Rob Clarke says the alignment with the NO MORE campaign fits neatly within club objectives already devoted toward player personal development, through its Right Tracks program.

“It is particularly relevant for both our male (Redtails) and female (Pinktails) teams to use their profile and influence to play a role in helping promote better community awareness about family violence issues,” said Clarke.

“Sadly, it was a family violence incident resulting in the death of a popular local footballer that provided inspiration for the formation of the Central Australian Football Club.           

“If adopting a domestic violence action plan results in helping even just one family to avoid the pain and suffering caused by domestic violence, then it will be something that was well worth doing.” he said.

CatholicCareNT NO MORE Campaign workers have been calling on all sporting clubs no matter their code to develop domestic violence action plans.

The Central Australian Football Club commitment comes shortly after the Ti Tree Roosters and Sporties Spitfires made similar commitments last month.

NO MORE Campaign worker Roy Arbon says the more sports clubs that adopt this approach the better. “There are hundreds of sporting clubs throughout central Australia that could,” he said.

“Rob Clarke highlights the importance of his club helping even just one family through this approach.

“Imagine the potential community wide impact, and the number of local families that might benefit, if more sporting clubs committed to the campaign,” said Arbon.

Sports clubs wishing to discuss club domestic violence action plan development with the NO MORE Campaign can do so by telephoning CatholicCare NT on 8958 2400.